Eat w/ your Head
Digestion is managed by the nervous system. Stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and poor sleep can slow digestion and increase appetite making overeating more likely.
Breath w/ your Stomach
The Diaphram divides the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. Proper breathing increases digestion speed and peristaltic movement while preventing a hiatal hernia.
Digest w/ Sense
Digestion is supposed to begin before food enters your mouth. The sight and smell of food cause secretions that prepare your digestive tract for food. Eating food prepared by others shortens this important cephalic phase.
Chew w/ Patience
Some experts recommend chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing. Sharp food like hard potato crisps can scratch the oesophagus. Amylase in saliva begins the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Reflux w/o Heartburn?
Silent reflux, called laryngopharyngeal reflux, occurs when stomach acid bypasses both the lower and upper oesophageal sphincters, causing sore throat, hoarseness, or a chronic cough.
Close the Door
The lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) divides the stomach and oesophagus. Certain foods can relax the LES. A hiatal hernia and swallowing hard food may also weaken the LES.
Can't Swallow It?
Heartburn is caused by inflammation as well as the presence of stomach acid on the esophagus. Food and contaminants in water can cause esophagitis.
Can't Stomach It?
Our stomachs have a capacity as well as a limit to the production of HCl and enzymes. H. Pylori infection can reduce HCl. Hypochlorhydria can prevent the LES to tighten as well as allow gas producing bacteria to live in the upper gut. Stomach gas can unduly loosen the LES. Partially digestive food can cause inflammation and bloating, increasing intra abdominal pressure and delayed stomach emptying.
Who are U Eating For?
Poor diet and heavy antibiotic use can lead to a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine causing fatigue, gas, and malabsorption.
Digest Uprightly
Your spine health determines the nerve supply from your brain to your digestive system. Also, poor posture can increase intra abdominal pressure, increasing reflux and possibility of a hiatal hernia while decreasing peristaltic movement.
Eat Enzymes
Enzyme deficiency can lead to food intolerance, which in turn leads to inflammation and bloating.
Backed Up?
Constipation can have repercussions all the way back up to the esophagus.
A Holistic View of Acid Reflux
Eat w/ your Head
Digestion is managed by the nervous system. Stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and poor sleep can slow digestion and increase appetite making overeating more likely.
Breath w/ your Stomach
The Diaphram divides the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity. Proper breathing increases digestion speed and peristaltic movement while preventing a hiatal hernia.
Digest w/ Sense
Digestion is supposed to begin before food enters your mouth. The sight and smell of food cause secretions that prepare your digestive tract for food. Eating food prepared by others shortens this important cephalic phase.
Chew w/ Patience
Some experts recommend chewing each bite 30 times before swallowing. Sharp food like hard potato crisps can scratch the oesophagus. Amylase in saliva begins the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Reflux w/o Heartburn?
Silent reflux, called laryngopharyngeal reflux, occurs when stomach acid bypasses both the lower and upper oesophageal sphincters, causing sore throat, hoarseness, or a chronic cough.
Close the Door
The lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) divides the stomach and oesophagus. Certain foods can relax the LES. A hiatal hernia and swallowing hard food may also weaken the LES.
Can't Swallow It?
Heartburn is caused by inflammation as well as the presence of stomach acid on the esophagus. Food and contaminants in water can cause esophagitis.
Can't Stomach It?
Our stomachs have a capacity as well as a limit to the production of HCl and enzymes. H. Pylori infection can reduce HCl. Hypochlorhydria can prevent the LES to tighten as well as allow gas producing bacteria to live in the upper gut. Stomach gas can unduly loosen the LES. Partially digestive food can cause inflammation and bloating, increasing intra abdominal pressure and delayed stomach emptying.
Who are U Eating For?
Poor diet and heavy antibiotic use can lead to a bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine causing fatigue, gas, and malabsorption.
Digest Uprightly
Your spine health determines the nerve supply from your brain to your digestive system. Also, poor posture can increase intra abdominal pressure, increasing reflux and possibility of a hiatal hernia while decreasing peristaltic movement.
Eat Enzymes
Enzyme deficiency can lead to food intolerance, which in turn leads to inflammation and bloating.
Backed Up?
Constipation can have repercussions all the way back up to the esophagus.